AWS: How to apply for AWS Activate

AWS: How to apply for AWS Activate

Most startups often have cash flow problems, and may not manage to move to new technologies, or expand operations. They are still new in the market, struggling to get customers, and beat the completion. AWS Activate can ease the financial burden by providing free credits.

The AWS Activate program offers two packages: Portfolio and Founders. The portfolio package aligns with startups with external funding and includes up to $100,000 in free AWs credit. Should you choose to go for this package, keep in mind that it’s your AWS provider — and not the Activate — who will determine how much of the AWS credit you will get.

The Founders package works for bootstrapped and self-funded startups, providing up to $1,000 in free AWS credit, as well as AWS support credit. This package is the easiest to apply for since it doesn’t have complicated requirements like the Portfolio package.

Some complications of the Portfolio package include the requirement that your venture capital firm or incubator, should also be listed as AWS Activate provider, and provide you with an Org ID to qualify you.

Where to apply for the AWS Activate program

To apply for the AWS Activate program, choose between the Portfolio and Founders packages here to proceed. If you choose the Portfolio package, you will have to provide an Org ID. The rest of the process is fairly easy once you have everything you need for the application.

If you are looking to benefit from AWS Activate free credits, your startup must meet certain requirements to qualify. But if you plan to run your app in AWS, you should give it a try. Here are the steps you will need to apply for the AWS Activate:

Step 1: Verify your account

The first step is to create an AWS account because you will need AWS credentials to qualify for AWS package. You can choose between the IAM user and root user account. It’s free to create either of the accounts and verify them to proceed to the next level. Click here to get started on the process of creating an account.

Step 2: Complete your startup profile

Once you have verified your AWS account, you will need to provide Amazon with some basic information about your new business. Amazon just wants to make sure your startup is real, legit, and does exist. Some basic details of your company include your company website or public profile. Amazon uses this information to determine if your company is active, and qualifies for the AWS Activate free credits.

Step 3: Complete your team profile

Amazon will want to vet your application, as well as your startup teams. This could require an updated and active LinkedIn profile, especially if you are applying for the Founders package. As for the Portfolio package, you will need to proceed to the next step, which requires you to provide the Org ID given by your AWS Activate provider.

Step 4: Review credit option

This step applies if you choose the Portfolio package. Under some circumstances, you may apply under multiple Org IDs and receive more than one offer for credit, but you can’t stack them. You can only accept one since AWS Activate does not provide multiple credits.

Your startup could do with some help from AWS Activate. The application process is pretty straightforward, and you can do it yourself. You now have everything you need to apply smoothly, but if you still have some challenges, SJ Innovation has a certified AWS team who can help you to apply for AWS Activate for free. Feel free to contact us today for more details.

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