Prototyping Personalized E-Commerce with Amazon Web Services

Prototyping Personalized E-Commerce with Amazon Web Services [AWS]


Partha Sarathi Kundu - Software Engineer at SJ Innovation

A fool with a plan...

I consider it as my weakness that I think a lot before doing any major changes in my life and it can be if this way of thinking don't give you any final solutions to take step going forward.

And when I found out that I always have an end decision after a period of thinking, I think of it as a plus a point to take time to think, to rethink about your position and take action accordingly.

Again I am using a lot of think word to make you all rethink about what you all are thinking! ;-p

Lessons Learned From Taking AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

Lessons Learned From Taking AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing solution from Amazon offered to enterprises and government agencies globally. It offers a pay-as-you-go approach for pricing for over 160 cloud services with no upfront fees hence; its increasing popularity and demand. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is the entry point and sole foundation to start your journey with AWS certification.
