8 Points of SJ Culture: Team Member's Perspective

SJInnovation has its own culture which was created by us. Here we are living with a culture. In our culture are we very friendly with each other. Everyone is so polite and is ready for everyone. When any difficulty comes we working together to solve this.
I'll describe 8 points about our culture that we follow in SJI:
1. Help each other
In our company, we are helpful to each other. When anyone is stuck with anything then other people are immediately ready to help. So that's why we don't have any jealousy with one another.
2. Client Satisfaction
Employee happiness generates client success. This is our motto and we are making the product for our client satisfaction. We are love to working on that. If the client is satisfied then we are also happy.
3. Doing Work Together.
We are working here as a team and working together. We want to do things together so everyone is on the same page.
4. Happiness
I am very happy working for such a company, where I can spend half of my day and every day I learn new things, either it is the technology or soft skills that give me much satisfaction.
5. Challenges
In our company every day, we're facing challenges, new technology, and new difficulty. That helps us to make our journey more exciting.
6. Working environment
The working environment of our office is very cool. We enjoyed our work on this environment where seniors and juniors are working together as a team.
7. Goal
Here we have the individual goals for everyone and also we have our company goals also. So we are focusing our are goals to make the company and also our career to the next level.
8. Grow Yourself
Here in our company where we can grow our self every day, we have the PDC session, reading session, leadership session and also we have our career session so we can help ourselves to make out career fruitful and meaning full.

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