Everything You Must Know About Becoming a Top-Rated Talent on Upwork

Everything You Must Know About Becoming a Top-Rated Talent on Upwork

When you begin your freelancing career, your goal is to become a top-rated talent regardless of the platform. A top-rated talent gets a wholesome number of trusted buyers and money. It is the highest badge on Upwork, which means you are among the top 10% of Upwork talent. 

However, nothing comes easy. There are rules and tips when it comes to achieving anything. So, we will investigate the details of top-rated badges on Upwork and offer advice on how you can achieve it. 

Keep reading to gain more insight into this topic. 

Let us fully dive into it. 


You should be aware of the specific requirements needed for achieving a particular milestone. The most vital step in becoming a top-rated seller, you must update your profile. Everything in your profile, such as your work history, portfolio, and other essential information, must be updated. You must meet the following prerequisite to secure your badge if you are a freelancer:

  • Your recent job success score must be 90%.
  • 100% complete profile.
  • $1000 earnings at minimum
  • Account must be in a good position during the past year
  • Recently active on the platform for the past 90 days. 
  • The first hire must be for over 90 days. 

The requirements are almost identical for agencies except for earnings which should be at least $10 000. These are the requirements, however it takes a lot to achieve these goals. You can’t attain a top badge overnight, it often takes years of hard work and perseverance.

6 Top Tips to Achieve Your Top-Rated Badge

The following 6 tips mentioned here can help you reach your highest potential.

  1. Fully Complete Your Profile

It's impracticable to succeed on Upwork if you have not shared everything on your profile. Ideally, you need to be authentic to have a great profile. At the same time, some opt for adding videos or comments from their customers for feedback but  this is  not essential. 

Work on the following points to improve your profile:

  • Insert a better photo.
  • Fix your description but be unique. Mention everything in an honest manner. Length should neither be too long nor too short, keep it succinct for readability.  Make it friendly and mention all your capabilities. 
  • Enhance your hourly rate. Though numerous people tend to lower their prices to get more clients, there is nothing wrong with raising your price according to your hard work. However, sometimes clients do not go for people offering lower prices as it seems you are not offering quality services. 
  • Add employment history. 
  1. Get Feedback 

Feedback is the most crucial thing on Upwork or any platform because new customers will consider your feedback a priority. In addition, your feedback shows the thoughts and opinions of your work from previous customers Though some clients do not care about leaving feedback as they are highly occupied, you can ask for feedback after completing your project but do persist if they deny your request.. Such behavior can annoy your clients, and they can leave bad feedback. Just send a follow-up reminder after a few days. 

  1. Keep Your Response Rate Higher 

Answer each message, either it is about an invitation or interview. You can reject a job if you want but it is important to respond. You can initially offer free hours if you are a beginner to build a trusted relationship as the client may not have enough information about you. Thus, by proving the quality of your work you can win more clients. 

  1. Do Not Work on a Project Until You Know Everything.

Ask all the relevant questions until you get all the necessary information. Keep a friendly relationship with your clients and be honest with them. Let them know if you are not available or if you require extra time. 

Thoroughly read a description while applying for a job. Many freelancers bid on a project without getting enough information, leading to a job cancellation when you are not providing quality results.

Your weekly progress must be visible for hourly contracts because your JSS can be negatively impacted by inactive hourly contracts. 

  1. You Must be a Rising Talent First 

Upwork selects capable freelancers for top-rated badges but becoming a Rising Talent makes it easier for you. When you get this status, you begin to show up to the customers. Therefore, you can get involved in the top talent group and access top rated clients. You can become a Rising Talent quickly by sending numerous proposals, winning jobs, getting feedback, and bringing money to the platform. 

  1. Do Not Violate the Regulations. 

Last but not least, is to abide by the regulations. When you have built a name through a platform, you should respect it because this platform is the key to your connections and getting reliable customers. Also, the platform ensures that your money is protected. 

Thus, when you are working on Upwork, be aware of all the regulations and follow them. Do not try shortcuts or take your clients out of the platform as you will suffer the consequences.


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