Integrate the machine learning service of amazon personalize with wordpress

Wordpress SJI Personalize plugin allows you to get personalized recommendations using the Amazon personalize service. Plugin will come in handy when you want to integrate the machine learning service of amazon personalize with wordpress. This plugin provides you with an admin interface where you can add your aws account details and campaign name.
- You need to have aws account
- Woocommerce plugin installed and active
- Export products , users and analytics data containing user interaction with products
- Import the same in Amazon personalize and train the models. To get started follow this
- You will have a campaign ready following above. ( To be used in admin interface).
That’s it. You can now directly use our shortcode “[pr_products limit=4] “ to display products.
Limit 4 is the number of products you want to display on site.
Once you have aws account, those details need to be added on admin interface:
After following this guide , you will have campaign ready and in active state:
You can then add the shortcode on any page you like to show recommendations and the same will be visible on frontend:
Demo guide:
Visit :
Few users which you can use to check personalize recommendations:
User: demo
pass: sid123
User: demo1
pass: sid123

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