QA Hackathon

After the Hackathon event on Drupal framework in February 2014, the next Hackathon was planned for QA team.
QA Hackathon was organised on 13th June 2014. It was fun filled, exciting and was also a part of the quarterly goals, which every member in SJ Innovation has to follow.
The Hackathon was mainly aimed at encouraging and motivating the QA members to move the project forward as a team and learn to quickly grasp a new project in short period of time.
All the QA team members were informed the previous evening about the event and important follow up and rules about the sites were given. Also, forum module was given to prepare.
10 QA team members were divided into 2 teams and Leads were assigned to each group.
Team A:
- Jayson Rodrigues – Team Lead
- Clinton Fernandes
- Omprasad Desai
- Anuja Vaingankar
- Anish Miranda
Team B:
- Raviraj Tilve – Team Lead
- Simon Correia
- Pritesh Palyekar
- Paresh Bagi
- Pranali Kamanache
Same project was assigned to both the teams. The aim was to find maximum bugs in the given time frame of 2 hours by using standard format for reporting bugs on the bug tracking tool.
Teams had to plan the strategy and deliver the result within specified time period. Different type of testing was performed like functional, GUI, security testing, etc.
There was a lot of buzz and enthusiasm among the team members who were all set and determined to find maximum number of bugs.
The Senior QA Leads checked the code and Team A was declared the winner of the QA Hackathon. They reported 19 bugs out of which 18 were correct.
Also, as a surprise “Star Performer” was announced to the team member who would report proper bugs in proper format. This prize was bagged by Simon Correia.

Implementing edit records in multiple associated tables in Cakephp 3