SJI QA Team Journey to Improvisation

We are around 15 QA members who works on a wide variety of projects and our main goal is to provide high quality software and timely release the product. Have a look at how the SJI QA team started with their career.
How SJI QA team worked earlier:
QA team was very small 2 years before and the work was ad-hoc and there wasn't any standard software testing process. We took initiative building a standard software testing process that fits our project needs. By this streamlined process we managed our time effectively and started concentrating more on core testing activities.
How the QA team improved:
Whenever we get any new project there is initial project familiarity meeting. In this meeting we basically discuss things like who is the client, what is the project duration and when is the delivery.
QA team creates software test plans from the software requirement specification.
-Create test scenarios and write test cases according to the assigned modules
-When developers finish with the individual modules, those modules are assigned to the QA team and the manual testing is carried out from the written test cases
-All the bugs are logged in bug tracking system
-Upon bug fixing, testers do bug verification and regression testing on all related modules.
-If the bug passes the verification it is marked as verified and closed
What techniques do we use?
We perform different type of testings:
User interface testing
Unit Testing
Functionality testing
Usability Testing
Security testing
Browser compatibility testing (Browse Stack & Sauce Lab )
Test management tool to write effective test cases (Testlodge tool)
Bug tracking tool (Mantis)
A Saying: "Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success. - Henry Ford"

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