Benefits of Opting for Automated Testing

Automated Testing – Top Reasons To Go For It

As a business owner, it is obvious that you already understand that there are various business investments that do not pay off immediately but in the future. One of such investments is website automated testing. Even as a small business owner, you can start off on the right path by opting for automated testing. Yes, if yours is a small website, it might be easy to manually catch bugs and at the same time tackle them. What then happens when your business grows and your site becomes more complex?

Tips to Cultivating Learning in a Team

Cultivating Learning in team


We have always heard that due to the hectic work schedule team members always find it difficult to spend some quality time towards learning new things. Self-Motivation is one of the important factor which gets affected and team members find it difficult to maintain in this busy and tiring schedule. Hence it's always a challenge for Managers to keep it going. For the past 1 year I have been handling the responsibility of QA Team as a Manager and thought of sharing a few things which we could achieve in a team.
