Doing Great Things Together at SJ Innovation

Doing Great Things Together at SJ Innovation

“Alone, we can do so little, together we can do so much.” This saying by Helen Keller is a quote I will always remember when I speak about one of the core cultures of SJ Innovation - 'Do Great Things Together.' After all, no truer words have been spoken. 


7 Ways How SJ Innovation is Building a Healthy Workplace Culture in the Company

7 Ways How SJ Innovation is Building a Healthy Workplace Culture in the Company

Do you know what’s the secret behind Cisco, DHL Express, Salesforce, Hubspot, and Hilton’s resounding success? Why these companies are the epitome of workplace happiness? Why do they stand among the best workplaces in today's times?


Journey From Seminar To Webinar

Journey From Seminar To Webinar

The well known proverbial phrase “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”, means to encourage optimism and positive attitude during a time of adversity or misfortune. This phrase defines my journey accurately.
