Is Testing Vital? Reasons Why Quality Assurance is a Must in Software Development

Is Testing Vital? Reasons Why Quality Assurance is a Must in Software Development

These days, business and development cannot survive, or at least have an impactful presence on their audience, without going digital. However, to ensure your industrial or commercial setup runs smoothly, you need the right tools and technologies by your side and to do this, it’s imperative to have seamlessly running software. This is easier said than done. After all, software development is an intricate and painstaking procedure that requires a great deal of time, energy, and resources. 


The main aim is to design a final product that meets the set standard Business Requirement Specifications, yet, there is usually a myriad of issues that crop up during the development stage. Take, for instance, the presence of bugs. Have you ever stopped to consider the impact and associated costs that come with a faulty product? The longer the bug goes unrecognized, the more costly it becomes to rectify. So how can you save your software development company from these flaws in product design and code? You focus on the importance of software quality that’s what. 


Quality Assurance to the rescue!

Even though flaws and mistakes in product design and code occur owing to human error, it diminishes the software quality standards and the overall software product design. How can you prevent this from happening?


It’s pretty simple. Software safety is a quality assurance activity that focuses on hazards that exist. It is during these times “Quality Assurance” (QA) comes into the picture. Read on to know what exactly QA means and why software quality assurance in software engineering is a must.

  • Quality assurance serves as a security blanket. Put simply, it is a process that helps you figure out if your service/product meets the expected requirements. 
  • It’s a procedure that makes it easier to spot possible glitches, bugs, and other issues that causes your software to not function appropriately.
  • It assures users of improved business optimization and offers a top-notch user experience which in turn, instills trust among users. 


The difference between QA and QC

Usually, people tend to use QA (Quality Assurance) and QC (Quality Control) interchangeably. However, QA and QC mean two very different things. When looking at quality assurance vs quality control, there is a major distinction.

  • Quality Control is a list of techniques testers utilize to recognize defects in the outcome.
  • Quality Assurance is all about prevention which helps to check the manufacturing process so that the product stands true to the highest possible standards.


Reasons why QA is a must in a software development

Here are a few elements of software quality assurance that make it imperative when creating software.


1) It reduces added costs and effort

Users and clients do not consciously spend a great deal of their money on a faulty application. On the occasions, it does occur, however, you have to compensate for the loss which can end up being time-consuming. Having a detailed software quality assurance plan and QA testing process helps you save on time as well as effort as you can detect and rectify any bugs or issues that can occur in the future. In this way, you also minimize any added expenses that arise from replacing, retesting, and reselling faulty products.


2) It’s proof that clients can rely on your services

By paying attention to testing and development quality assurance, you are showing your clients that you are going to put in the effort to make certain they are successful. You are informing them that you want to make sure their application runs smoothly and in a glitch-free manner. This inevitably helps to boost confidence in your services as a company and fosters a trustworthy and positive working relationship. In this way, you are also showing any future products you design in a positive light. In short, software testing quality assurance and quality control add value by having an impressive effect on your brand’s image. 


3) It promotes security 

At times, a software program may perform all of its required functions in the best way possible. However, if the software isn’t secure, clients are not going to trust it. After all, the data of users can be compromised if weaknesses in the program’s defenses are detected. With software development quality assurance, security can be measured and tested accordingly so business owners do not have to fret and fume about their program’s security. 


4) It enhances your profit levels

Quality Assurance should be one of the most essential aspects to consider when developing an application to market. After all, it helps you understand whether you can sell your product at a higher rate. If a user pays good money for your product, they expect it to work as it is promoted or else you are going to end up with bad reviews. Skilled experts are aware of the best software quality assurance tools to use to ensure they reach this goal. 


5) It encourages productivity and efficiency 

If your software encounters any problem, you may do whatever it takes to rectify the issue which, in turn, creates haphazard communication. Everyone can function effortlessly and in a better way when they do not need to check for frequent errors as this can take up a great deal of your time. With software developers and software quality assurance analysts and testers that conduct thorough QA right from the start of a project, you know that proceedings move forward in an organized manner. This inevitably encourages productivity and efficiency as operations move forward successfully. 


6) It promotes the competitiveness of your product

The tech industry shows no mercy on software that does not meet the required criteria for performance and quality. So to make sure that your product stands the test of time and thrives while it does so, monitoring software quality standards is a must. It assures users that your product meets the requirements and quality set. This in turn automatically enhances its ability to compete with other products in the market. With good quality assurance, customers can find relief in the fact that they can trust the product even when it rolls out updates and competes with other similar products in the market. 


In conclusion

Quality Assurance and Testing helps to add value as it has a major effect on the reputation of your brand. It helps customers understand that every aspect of the product/service is being looked after so that they get the best possible final product. It amplifies the fact that your product is superior in quality and will surely stand true to the required project needs. 


Now that you know how important Quality Assurance is and why is software testing and QA important for any business, you must make sure you obtain it from the right experts who are well aware of the nuances that go into making your product a huge success. If you are looking for experienced and skilled Quality Assurance & UAT professionals, get in touch with us!


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