Best Practices To Maintain When Dealing with Software Development Teams

Best Practices To Maintain When Dealing with Software Development Teams

Ever found yourself in this scenario? A frustrated developer is exasperated by their manager making bad decisions and focusing on the wrong things. The manager is  manager constantly micromanaging and repeatedly asking, 'How long will this take?', "What is the progress so far?" It's crystal clear the development process has issues. 

Is Testing Vital? Reasons Why Quality Assurance is a Must in Software Development

Is Testing Vital? Reasons Why Quality Assurance is a Must in Software Development

These days, business and development cannot survive, or at least have an impactful presence on their audience, without going digital. However, to ensure your industrial or commercial setup runs smoothly, you need the right tools and technologies by your side and to do this, it’s imperative to have seamlessly running software. This is easier said than done.
