How to Set Up a Node.js-Based Microservice Application Using CodeCommit, ECS, and ECR on AWS

How to Set Up a Node.js-Based Microservice Application Using CodeCommit, ECS, and ECR on AWS

In software development, agility and scalability take the crown. Add how to setup Node.js on Mac microservices to this mix and you know you've unlocked the code to modern, flexible, and resilient microservice based application architecture that can swiftly adapt to changing demands and scale organically as your user base grows.

How to use PM2 for Node Js Applications

How to use PM2 for Node Js Applications

If you’ve worked on any front-end applications recently, you have likely had some contact with a Node/Express application. Have you ever thought about how to setup PM2 for Node.js? Or, how Node.js applications are deployed and run on the server? We all must have used nodemon for application development but we can not use the same for production environments.
