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Zahin Ahad
Manual vs. Automated Testing: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Project

Software testing plays a crucial role in delivering reliable and high-quality software products. One of the key decisions that testing teams often face is whether to opt for manual testing or embrace automated testing. There’s a lot of talk about manual vs. automated testing too.

Paresh Bagi
Cross Browser Testing: Strategies for Compatibility and Ensuring Responsive Web Design!

Picture this: You're all set to launch your stunning app or website. Design? Sleek. Functionality? On point! User experience? Top-notch. You proudly hit the launch button, and a nagging fear arises…

Paresh Bagi
How AI Platforms Drive Results and Offer Seamless Quality Testing

In the dynamic world of software development, quality assurance testing stands as a guardian, ensuring digital products meet the highest standards before they reach the hands of users.