
Knowledge sharing had always been our goal.

Explore the unique thoughts and experiences straight from the minds of our think tanks.

Amey Fadte
Navigating the Cloud: Key Strategies for Successful AWS Adoption

Key strategies for successful AWS adoption, focusing on cost optimization, security, scalability, and best practices tailored for software developers, CEOs of SMEs, startups, and established software agencies.

Vinay Mahale
Shifting from Drupal 10 to Drupal 11: What’s New and Why It Matters?

Finding it hard to leave an outdated Drupal version? Well, it can have consequences.

Pritesh Parshekar
Beyond Functionality: Designing Software with User Emotions in Mind

Empathy is a technical skill. A secret superpower for software developers and designers. Writing the most sophisticated code or leaving stakeholder meetings with clear directives doesn’t guarantee the success of your software products.