
Knowledge sharing had always been our goal.

Explore the unique thoughts and experiences straight from the minds of our think tanks.

Zahin Ahad
API Testing with Cypress

Gone are the days of relying solely on UI-based tests.

Vaibhav Nagvekar
The Great Mobile App Debate: Native or Hybrid Testing?

If you're a mobile app developer or just curious about mobile app development, you will know that there is a lot of talk when it comes to native vs hybrid apps. To know about testing native and hybrid apps, you need to know about the fundamentals,  pros, and cons of each.

Abesh Shirodkar
Our Commitment to Consistent Quality: Achieving ISO 9001:2015 Certification!

We're thrilled to announce that our web development agency has successfully achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification - an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems. This certification is a significant achievement for us and for our clients.