
Knowledge sharing had always been our goal.

Explore the unique thoughts and experiences straight from the minds of our think tanks.

Mohan Pai
SJ Innovation LLC Name Top B2B Provider in New York on Clutch

At SJ Innovation LLC, we facilitate success for businesses through innovative digital products. We’re a full-service web development company that provides web development, landing page design, app development, cloud consulting, QA and testing, and more.

Monira Heya
drupal certification

Finally I passed the exam 

Watching my name listed on Acquia Certification Registry was not even in my wildest dreams.

Siddhesh Shirodkar
Integrate the machine learning service of amazon personalize with wordpress

Wordpress SJI Personalize plugin allows you to get personalized recommendations using the Amazon personalize service. Plugin will come in handy when you want to integrate the machine learning service of amazon personalize with wordpress.