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Jose D'silva
Manipulate Drupal Entities With Entity API


What is an entity?

An entity is a basic building block. It represents a piece of content that a user interacts with. For e.g. nodes, blocks, taxonomies, users, etc. are all examples of entities in Drupal 8.

Entities can be classified as:

Akshay Naik
Custom Module Development in Magento 2

Magento module development services are all the rage today! After all, Magento development services is one of the most powerful and widely used e-commerce CMS.

Fokrul Hasan
Tips for Setting Up Cron Job in CakePHP Project

Cron is a feature that allows you to run specific functions at a certain time automatically. All we need to do is create the function and then set the cron to call that function. Then, it will call the function automatically in our selected time.