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Nazifa Rashid
Email Template – Out of the Ark

What is an Email Template?
An email template is a preformatted email that you can use to create your own unique email campaign! There are several techniques to create email templates. This post will go over the most common technique using HTML.

Why are Email Templates important?

Akshata Alornekar
What Makes You Unique In A Job Interview

The first job interview…. We all have been there, some of us confidently prepared, some nervously biting their nails, some calm, and some without any preparations.

Deepraj Naik
Selenium vs Cypress: What's the Difference?

Stressful to use tools for testing that takes ages to complete a task? For today's world, people need quick delivery and accomplish tasks through smart work. Therefore within less time and with other good features, the Cypress tool comes into the picture.