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Yuvraj Arondekar
Tailor Your Drupal Site the Way You Desire:  A Comprehensive Guide to Template Overriding

Are you tired of your Drupal website looking like every other site out there? Are you frustrated and feeling limited by the default Drupal templates? Do you want to give your website a unique and personalized look?

Here’s Why Drupal is More Secure for Big Complex Websites!

Drupal, one of the leading CMS providers, has always been a top choice for those interested in open-source CMS. Specifically, for those looking for these benefits:

Evelyn Menezes
How Acquia and SJI can help move from D7 to D9 and provide accurate assessment

As you may already be aware, Drupal 7 has reached its end of shelf life. If you’re a D7 team, it’s about time you buckle up and get ready for D9! But don’t worry — Acquia can assist users who are still on Drupal 7 to swiftly upgrade to Drupal 9.